The Watkins Glen set is not complete. The Golden Gate race set I believe is complete, but may be missing a piece or two. The cars and controllers are UNTESTED. Please assume that these pieces are for PARTS ONLY and do not work. There are multiple cars, controls, and track pieces.
The listing includes the following. 1x Watkins Glen Grand Prix cardboard box.
1x Golden Gate race set cardboard box. 4x Aurora trigger race controllers. 2x Aurora plug in power controllers/transformers. 9x misc race cars - some damaged/incomplete. 4x race car underbodies - some incomplete.
6x misc race car shells - some damaged. 1x misc box of car parts (wheels, gears, etc). 12x long straight track sections.
12x short straight track sections. 2x straight track sections with power connect. 2x straight track sections with lane crossovers. 2x curved inclined/banked corner track sections.10x flat corner sections with non-rigid guard rails. 4x flat corner sections with graphic rails.
12x flat corner sections with rigid guard rails. 12x track lifters with tilt.
10x cardboard pieces for the bridge. 4x misc manuals and paperwork. 2x Aurora track rail cleaner.
1x misc package of parts/grease/oil.